Flood Alleviation Scheme
The link below takes you the Hampshire County Council Website with the latest Updates for the Scheme
A32 Farringdon-Chawton flood alleviation scheme | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)
Kitcombe Flood Works
There is now a new highway pipe set at the appropriate height to allow water to flow from the old quarry under the A32 to a roadside ditch on the west side of the A32, then north. Before this was in place, the quarry overtopped towards Kitcombe Cottages so as long as that culvert is clear/not obstructed, that wont happen in future.
The Newton Valence/Mary Lane junction works carried out were to prevent/significantly reduce the surface water flooding that occurred on the highway. There was a broken/partially blocked pipe under the highway and the outfall into the field was also not working very well so this has now been improved. (PP HCC)