Parking, especially at the Eastern side of the village (also known as Upper Farringdon) is at a premium. There was a time, perhaps only a decade or so ago, that families only had one car for the whole household. Now, because of the loss of local bus services it is not unusual for a family of 4 or 5 to each own a car.
During daytime, the movement of delivery trucks and vans and local farm machinery make maneuvering in our narrow lanes challenging, to say the least.
During the evenings and at weekends, when residents return from work and friends and family come to visit, parking your own car outside of your house becomes very difficult.
Local residents are frustrated by inconsiderate parking. There are fears that an Emergency Service Vehicle may not be able to negotiate the tight bends, due to vehicles parked too near to the junctions. Similarly, vehicles parked too near to a bend reduce the sight lines at the junction presenting danger to vehicles in motion, approaching or exiting the junction.
What can we do to Limit Danger and Inconvenience ?
- Please park with consideration for others.
- Try to utilise your own off-street parking to best effect.
- Temporarily park away from your own house rather than causing danger, by parking inappropriately outside it.
If you see that danger is being caused by vehicles parked inconsiderately and you are not able to trace the driver, call the Police on the 101, non-emergency number.
Local Police have been asked to pay attention to the area and can issue Fixed Penalty Notices for parking within 32 feet of a junction. The FPN charge is currently £80.
If the Police see a vehicle that is parked in a Dangerous Position, you could be summonsed to appear at Magistrates Court.